News and Updates for the Patient and Family

11 Medicine Mistakes to Avoid

Taking even one medication correctly and on time each day can be a challenge. In fact, research shows that as many as half of all patients don’t follow their medication instructions properly. For older adults who often juggle multiple medicines, the challenge is even greater.
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Addiction Treatment Resources

The damage caused by substance abuse doesn’t only affect the individual who is battling alcohol or drug dependency. The effects of addiction impact friends and family members close to the individual, as well. The reason addiction can last months or even years is because friends and family members who recognize…
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How to Manage or Donate Unused Medical Supplies

Once a patient no longer requires at-home care, families are left with the task of determining what to do with leftover medical supplies. These items often require specific disposal practices. Without instructions on how to carry that out, families may throw them in the trash or follow unsafe disposal practices.
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Senior Living Resources

As a front-line treatment for type 2 diabetes, metformin is among the most widely prescribed drugs in the United States. In 2021 alone, clinicians wrote more than 91 million orders for the medication — up from 40 million 2004.
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Multivitamins and Cognition: New Data From COSMOS

New data from the Cocoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study (COSMOS) suggest that a daily multivitamin may help protect the aging brain. However, at least one expert has concerns about the study’s methodology and, as a result, the interpretation of its findings.
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