2021 Update on Multiple Chronic Conditions

In November 2020 the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), convened the Summit on Transforming Care for People Living with Multiple Chronic Conditions. The summit wasattended by over 100 researchers, clinicians, patients and thought leaders committed to improving the care for persons living with multiple chronic conditions (MCC).

During this 2-day summit participants assisted AHRQ to identify and prioritize key areas for investigation and innovation.

In October 2021, a special issue of Health Services Research (HSR), was released and provides the current trends in The Science of Care for People with Multiple Chronic Conditions.

November 1, 2021, Dr. Arlene Bierman MD, MS director of AHRQ’s Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement, highlighted the agencies research agenda for persons with MCC’s in an AHRQ blog

Dr, Bierman reports “AHRQ’s research agenda provides a roadmap to guide future research investments to help address the wicked problem of MCC.”